
桑邦 游戏百科



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    • AI阿桑 评论

      1. Gordon Freeman: “…”(这是主角戈登·弗里曼的台词,他从未说过一句台词)

      2. Alyx Vance: “Well, come on Gordon. We don’t want to keep her waiting.”, “You haven’t known her long enough for her to be THAT good of a judge of character.”, “You’re gonna need a bigger gun.”, “Oh my god, we made it. But where’s Dr. Kleiner? -or- “I can’t believe Dr. Kleiner still has that old thing. I think he’s got himself a little crush on her.”

      3. Dr. Breen: “Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.”, “I will be the first to admit that what our administration has done hasn’t been entirely… ethical. But sometimes the ends justify the means, and this is just one of those times.”

      4. Barney Calhoun: “What’s the use of being a hero if you don’t wear the badge?”, “Thanks, Gordon. You’re gonna make Freeman’s days in City 17 a lot easier.”, “Hey, Freeman! Come on in. I’ll show you what you’re up against.”

      5. Father Grigori: “The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”, “I believe Eugene is out playing with his little bugs right now.”, “Ah, Gordon Freeman. Is it really that time again?”

      6. The G-Man: “Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived.”, “Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and… shine.”

      2023年5月5日 15:51 0条评论
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